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Social Media Users Go In On DJ Akademiks Following Viral Inappropriate Conversation With A 15-Year-Old Boy ( VIDEOS )

Written by on February 5, 2025

DJ Akademiks

DJ Akademiks

Roomies, the net isn’t letting up on DJ Akademiks following a recent inappropriate conversation with a 15-year-old boy.

RELATED: DJ Akademiks Says Lawsuit Accusing Him Of Sexual Assault In 2022 Is “A Shakedown” (VIDEO)

What Happened During The Discord Call Between DJ Akademiks & 15-Year-Old Teen

On January 23rd, a viral clip surfaced online featuring DJ Akademiks and his friends engaging in an inappropriate conversation with Nour, a 15-year-old streamer and a long-time supporter of popular streamer PlaqueBoyMax.

In the clip, DJ Akademiks and other men in the Discord call repeatedly asks Nour a series of sexual questions, including if he would ever let PlaqueBoyMax engage in sexual activity with him. While giggling, Nour repeatedly shut down their questions, insisting that he is not gay.


PlaqueBoyMax & X Users React To The Viral Conversation 

The Discord conversion sparked an huge uproar across the net. From fellow streamer to everyday X users, many made their way to the timeline to discuss the controversial call between DJ Akademiks and Nour.

PlaqueBoyMax even entered the conversation to call out DJ Akademiks for his behavior during the call. He expressed that the clips were not only nasty, but also very weird. He also issued a message to kids reminding them to remove themselves from any inappropriate Discord conversations.

“I don’t f*** with it. And AK I would appreciate if you don’t do that type of sh** with my lil bro. He not my lil bro but feel me. That sh** not cool. That sh** not cool”

DJ Akademik’s Initial Response To The Backlash

DJ Akademiks quickly hopped on live to respond to critics and PlaqueBoyMax. During the stream, he went off while expressing how he shows too much love to streamers to even be called a “weirdo”. In another clip, he also provided more context to why he was playing with Nour. Akademiks claims that Nour was suicidal at one point and they would allegedly send money to lift his spirts.

“I never need to be on Kai, Max, Adin nobody stream. I don’t need nobody who stream. I got my own on thing going on… So when I seen this s**i it pissed me off. I’m over here f***** with these n***** … I’m supporting these n***** and their kicking my back in”


DJ Akademiks Takes Accountability For His Behavior During The Discord Call

After some self-reflection, DJ Akademiks returned to the internet to apologize for his actions during the Discord call. He shared that his plans was to use this as a teachable moment, while acknowledging the impact of his actions. Akademiks clarified that he doesn’t have any issues with PlaqueBoyMax and was initially upset because he felt like Max could’ve called him before calling him out on the net.

“We are going to use this as a teachable moment. Because I don’t believe I came this far to build this platform to be that irresponsible.


15-Year-Old Nour & Social Media Weighs In Following DJ Akademiks Apology

Social media continues to weigh in on DJ Akademik’s initial statement and shared their thoughts in The Shade Room comment section. Nour also took to his platform with a message.

“After everything that happened and after they tryna defame Max and the sh** he said and did is insane he realized he’s in the wrong only bc he got caught idgaf, you are a pdf, you’ “apologized “with a backhand ” oh 5$TAR So Toxic etc” shut up I bleed and breathe 5STAR weird a** mf”

Instagram user wrote @icyybabez, “Nahh don’t apologize because everybody calling you out tryna cancel you akad shouldn’t of said what you said… its bout time he’s cancelled anyways!”

While Instagram user wrote @trxvxis, “Tbh the discord call just sounds like a random encounter w someone over the game to be fair akademiks is older so it is like random as hell to be asking a lil kid but at the same time it seemed more like a joke but k everyone’s entitled to their opinions”

Instagram user wrote @ripboose_,“He need to be apologizing to that 15 year old streamer”

While Instagram user wrote @jam.isiah, “Huge fan Ak but that was just karma. You run your mouth way too much making stuff up and just doing way too much you gotta learn to shhhh sometimes but that was wild”

Instagram user wrote @ani_capalot, LShould’ve been canceled him he been getting a pass for all the weird shit he BEEN”

DJ Akademiks Banned From Twitch

Amidst the backlash DJ Akademiks is currently facing, reports circulated that he was banned from Twitch on January 28th. He claims that while he wasn’t streaming on Twitch during the conversation with Nour, the company did take action in banning his account.



Related: DJ Akademiks Speaking About Intimacy With Young Women Sparks Reactions — “There’s Not Much Difference Between 20 or A 17

The post Social Media Users Go In On DJ Akademiks Following Viral Inappropriate Conversation With A 15-Year-Old Boy ( VIDEOS ) appeared first on The Shade Room.