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A hands-on leader from day one, Adam has steered these platforms into the media big leagues, bringing in celebrated personalities such as Sheryl Underwood, co-host of the TALK on CBS; Nikki Woods, Producer of the Tom Joyner Morning Show; and most recently, the comedy legend Tony Sculfield also known as Tony Sco.

Adam Mitchell aka Jamm: The Media Mogul and Philanthropist Behind 107.3 VIP and uCasters X Stream Media, LLC.

In 1999, Adam envisioned a media landscape that could be different, more diverse, more vibrant. He spent the next six years meticulously planning, strategizing, and building what would soon become a cornerstone of modern media. By 2005, Adam’s vision came to fruition with the launch of uCasters X Stream Media, LLC., and 107.3 VIP (1073vip.com).

A hands-on leader from day one, Adam has steered these platforms into the media big leagues, bringing in celebrated personalities such as Sheryl Underwood, co-host of the TALK on CBS; Nikki Woods, Producer of the Tom Joyner Morning Show; and most recently, the comedy legend Tony Sculfield also known as Tony Sco.

Yet, Adam is not just a Media Mogul; he’s also a philanthropist at heart. His community contributions go beyond the airwaves, impacting lives through various altruistic endeavors.

To top it off, Adam’s relentless pursuit of excellence was nationally acknowledged when he was honored with the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award, signed by President Joe Biden himself. This accolade not only validates his lifelong commitment to media and community service but also cements his status as a titan in both realms.

Adam’s journey, which started as a flicker of an idea in 1999, has turned into a full-blown inferno of innovation and influence, marking him as one of the most impactful figures in media and philanthropy today.

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JAMM crew